Senate Deputy Minority Leader Advocates Equity, Fairness, Justice And Nation Building On Democracy Day


The Senate Deputy Minority Leader, Senator Lere Oyewumi, has enjoined the people of the country to continue to play their role in deepening democracy by actively participating in the electoral and decision-making process, which he noted has improved over the years. He noted that democracy has come to stay in the country, and called on Nigerians to get involved and remain steadfast as major stakeholders in the process of governance.

"As we march on in our democratic journey, we should always remember the tenets and rules of the game, respect the rights of others and faithfully discharge our civic responsibilities as important stakeholders in a nation-building project. In our efforts to build a better nation, let’s be confident in our ability to turn things around for the good of all of us. Our goal should be to build our nation with the bricks of equity, fairness and justice so that it can withstand challenges as they may come," he said.

Senator Oyewumi also called for unity and peaceful co-existence, which according to him are the major cores of the nation's prosperity. He also stressed the importance of the rule of law in building up a stable democratic Nigeria. He charged Nigerians to embrace democracy to strengthen unity and build social cohesion. Nigeria! Let's remember the sacrifices made for our freedom and continue to work together for a prosperous future. Happy Democracy Day!!


Media Unit,

Office Of The Deputy Minority Leader of the Senate

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