Senator Lere Oyewumi Felicitates With Muslim Ummah As They Enter The Holy Month Of Ramadan


In Qur’an chapter 2 verse 183, Allah prescribed fasting as an obligation for Muslims and tells us the reason at the end which is for us to restrain from evil, learn God’s consciousness, and learn to be God-fearing.

Senator Oyewumi in his felicitation message said “Ramadan is the month when Muslims across the world observe one of the five pillars of their faith, share with their neighbors, and show love to all people around them. “It is a period of spiritual reflection, abstinence, sacrifice, and supplications to the Almighty Allah.

“The holy month of Ramadan thus provides the faithful, the opportunity to commune with Allah and live as His Prophets enjoin us to do as we seek His blessings and mercies. The essence of the period is even more significant for us as we seek solutions and divine guidance out of the challenges that we currently face in our dear nation”.

He added that the Nigerian government is doing everything possible to ameliorate the situation and also realizes that much more has to be done. The National Assembly will not relent in its efforts to promote good governance for the security, peace, and progress of Nigeria.

“For our Muslim compatriots, let us use the opportunity of Ramadan to pray for Nigeria, knowing that Allah answers the prayers of the faithful. “I wish you all a happy Ramadan”, he said


Media Unit,

Office Of The Deputy Minority Leader Of The Senate

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