Senator Lere Oyewumi Celebrates Nigeria’s Icon of Integrity and Patriotism, President Bola Hammed Tinubu, GCFR


I am delighted to felicitate you on the momentous and remarkable occasion of your birthday. I join your family, friends, associates and other well-wishers to thank God for the gift of life and the strength to pilot the affairs of this nation. You have been a selfless and steadfast leader, and a patriot with uncommon zeal who has dedicated almost his entire life to the service of Nigeria. As a people, we are truly blessed to have a president who sees no higher honour than the opportunity to serve his people, a responsibility he has always carried with utmost dedication.

Our country is lucky to have this great man and dedicated public servant at this time, who steers our nation’s course with dedication and wisdom. Your leadership has guided us through challenges and illuminated a path toward prosperity. Excellency, you have led an extraordinary life of service to Nigeria at every duty post with unassailable integrity. History will be kind to you and record your contributions to the progress, unity and stability of Nigeria in volumes.

Today, as we honor your birthday, we also honor the remarkable journey you’ve undertaken as our President. Your strength, resilience, and commitment to steering our country to new heights are commendable. May your birthday be a moment of reflection and joy, surrounded by the appreciation and support of a grateful nation. As you celebrate this milestone, know that the gratitude of a nation echoes in each heartfelt wish sent your way.


Senator Olalere Oyewumi,Ph.D

Deputy Minority Leader of the Senate

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