Easter: Imbibe Spirit Of Love, Forgiveness, Senator Lere Oyewumi Admonishes Christians


‘Jesus Resurrection Rekindles Hope’

The Deputy Minority Leader of the Senate, Senator Oyewumi PhD, in a goodwill message, admonished Christians to reflect on the purpose of the sacrificial death of our Lord Jesus Christ and Savior, and imbibe His life of love, patience, selflessness, humility, and peace, among other virtues which are the hallmarks of Christianity. Importantly, His resurrection and defeat of death rekindle hope for everyone who believes in Him

Senator Oyewumi noted that Easter is a unique period that reminds us of God's love for all mankind which made Him send His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ to die for the sins of the whole world to save humanity from eternal damnation. He, therefore, urged Christians to strive to live a sacrificial life and show unconditional love to all men irrespective of religion, ethnicity, and social status, saying we all belong to the same Father (God) who loves His children equally without discrimination whatsoever.

According to Senator Oyewumi, “Osun State and our country as a whole need peace and unity now more than ever before. We cannot afford to allow ourselves to be divided along religious or ethnic divides. We must allow peace to reign to make progress.” While acknowledging the economic difficulties faced by the people of the state and the country at large, the Senator encouraged them to see it as a temporary setback and expressed his confidence that they would overcome the difficulty in no distant future.

Senator Oyewumi used the auspicious occasion to appeal to Nigerians to shun hate speech and refrain from divisive tendencies capable of fanning the embers of disunity that could plunge the country into avoidable disaster. He added that instead of allowing our diversity to tear us apart, we should learn to accommodate our differences, respect one another, show compassion and kindness, and most importantly, embrace peace which is a panacea for rapid and sustainable development.

“While wishing you a happy Easter, I pray that the occasion will be observed without any hitches. May the Almighty God continue to guide and protect us, Amen,” concluded Senator Lere Oyewumi.


Media Unit,

Office Of The Deputy Minority Leader Of The Senate

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