Today we join millions of other Africans, home and abroad, to celebrate a true son of the soil, a visionary leader, and an enigmatic personality whom we are honored to call our leader, mentor, and father. 

The Deputy Minority Leader of the Senate, Akogun Lere Oyewumi is a household name, known to all at home and in Diaspora. His name is unique and his home is a Mecca filled with different people in search of political knowledge and solutions. His contributions to the development of Osun state, Nigeria, and humanity can not be overemphasized and I'm sure history and providence will create a special place for you.

As this political juggernaut is celebrating his birthday today, we join your immediate family, friends, colleagues, protéges, political sons/daughters, and well-wishers in wishing you a healthy and prosperous year ahead. 

Your guidance has provided invaluable direction and insight, molding countless lives and inspiring individuals to achieve their fullest potential. Your wisdom and generosity know no bounds, and your ability to navigate complex situations with grace and dignity is truly awe-inspiring.

You have never at any time, exhibited any traits of an accidental leader. You are a born and bred Akogun, who will not mix originality with political exegesis, no matter how excruciatingly expedient. You are a father figure! 

We are and will continue to be proud, anywhere in the world, to say meeting you, knowing you, and drinking from your very deep well of wisdom has been a very big blessing to us and one that we will never take for granted, never! Congratulations Sir and praying God grants you greater grace for impact on humanity!


Media Unit,

Office Of The Deputy Minority Leader Of The Senate

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