Senator Lere Oyewumi Ph.D Explores Nigeria's Economy and Political Evolution at the NUJ Press Week.



At the NUJ Press Week, held in Osogbo, the Deputy Minority Leader of the Senate, Akogun Lere Oyewumi Ph.D, delivered a thought-provoking speech on the topic of Nigeria's economy and political evolution. The distinguished senator was ably represented by Dr. Oludele Asabi, the Director of OSCOTECH Ventures Esa Oke. The speech focused on assessing the prospects and retrospect of Nigeria's economic development, as well as outlining a way forward for continued progress.

  Regarding Nigeria's political evolution, Senator Oyewumi highlighted the progress made since the return to democracy in 1999. He emphasized the importance of upholding democratic principles, fostering good governance, and ensuring that power is always entrusted to those who genuinely represent the will of the people. While acknowledging the achievements made in advancing political inclusion, the senator also acknowledged the lingering challenges that hinder the full realization of democratic ideals.

  In terms of political evolution, the senator called for enhanced efforts to strengthen democratic institutions, promote transparency, and ensure the active participation of citizens in the political process. He emphasized the importance of inclusive governance that makes room for the voices of all Nigerians, especially those marginalized or historically underrepresented.

  Senator Lere Oyewumi's speech, delivered at the NUJ Press Week by Dr. Oludele Asabi, offered valuable insights into Nigeria's economy and political evolution. His call for economic diversification, political inclusivity, and unity resonated with attendees, who recognized the urgency and importance of these matters. As Nigeria continues on its path toward development, it is essential to heed Senator Oyewumi's advice and adopt strategies that prioritize sustainable growth and inclusive governance. With collective efforts, Nigeria can overcome its challenges and pave the way for a prosperous future.


Media Unit,

Office Of The Deputy Minority Leader Of The Senate

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