Senate Deputy Minority Leader, Sen. Lere Oyewumi Ph.D Mourns PDP National Woman Leader, Prof. Effah-Attoe


In a somber moment for the People's Democratic Party (PDP) and the entire Nigerian political landscape, the Deputy Senate Minority Leader, Sen. Lere Oyewumi Ph.D, has expressed his heartfelt condolences and profound mourning over the loss of Prof. Effah-Attoe, the PDP National Woman Leader. The passing of this distinguished political figure is a great loss to the party, and it is a moment to remember and celebrate her remarkable contributions to Nigerian politics and women's empowerment.

Akogun Lere Oyewumi describes Prof. Effah-Attoe as more than just a political leader; she was a beacon of hope and inspiration for countless Nigerians, especially women. With a wealth of knowledge and experience, coupled with her unwavering dedication to the PDP and the nation, she leaves behind a legacy that will continue to inspire generations.

One of the key areas where Prof. Effah-Attoe made a significant impact was in the realm of women's empowerment. As the National Woman Leader of the PDP, she worked tirelessly to ensure that women had a prominent voice in Nigerian politics. She advocated for gender equality and encouraged women to participate actively in the political process. Her efforts paved the way for many women to rise to positions of influence within the party and the government.

Prof. Effah-Attoe was not only a symbol of women's empowerment but also a formidable political leader. Her strategic insights and commitment to the PDP's values and goals were unparalleled. Her leadership skills were evident in the party's growth and success during her tenure.

The Deputy Senate Minority Leader expressed his condolences, and he highlighted the immense void that Prof. Effah-Attoe's passing has left within the PDP. He praised her dedication to the party and her tireless efforts in advancing the cause of the PDP in Nigeria. Sen. Oyewumi also acknowledged her contributions to the Senate and the Nigerian political landscape as a whole.

The passing of Prof. Effah-Attoe is a profound loss not only for the PDP but for the entire nation. Her legacy as a champion of women's empowerment and a dedicated political leader will continue to inspire and guide us. As we mourn her passing, let us also commit to upholding the principles and values she held dear, ensuring that her work continues to impact Nigerian politics positively.

He prays for God to grant her eternal life.


Media Unit,

Office Of The Deputy Minority Leader Of The Senate

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