Akogun Lere Oyewumi Congratulates Sunday Bisi And Other New PDP State Officers



Osun West senator-elect, Akogun Lere Oyewumi PhD has congratulated the newly elected chairman of the People's Democratic Party PDP in Osun state, Hon. Sunday Bisi, and other party officers who were elected into various administrative positions in the state today.

In the text of speech personally signed by him and made available to the newsmen, Akogun described Hon. Sunday Bisi as a competent and loyal party man with a track record of an uncompromised identity.

He said the effort of the new chairman in installing the party from the twelve years of opposition to the ruling party in our state cannot be overemphasized.

"Let me congratulate Hon. Sunday Bisi and all the officers of our party executives in Osun state on the success of today's congress, I equally thank all members of our party for their perseverance and hard work over the years

"The emergence of Hon. Sunday Bisi as our party is a round peg in a round hole, I, therefore urge all members of our party to remain committed to be prepared to work for the success of the party and the state at large. 

In the same vein, it's important I stress that the contest for the party offices does not produce winners or losers, we are all winners because our primary interest is having a state we can all be proud of our own, I, therefore urge everyone to join hands with the elected executives, this is the moment to build afresh from within. 

I urge you all to place the party's interest over personal interest.  "As we welcome the new leadership, I offer sincere appreciation to the outgoing Caretaker Committee members led by Dr. Adekunle Akindele for providing an energetic and purposeful leadership at a very critical period of the party's history. I enjoy those who are now saddled with the responsibility of our to follow their footsteps by working hard to position our party for the pressing tasks ahead. 

"While it's true that the people have accepted and adopted our party as the only political party in the state, we must continuously work to strengthen and reform the party to retain and maintain the leadership position in the state. 

" We must maintain that the internal discipline rules supreme in our party, we must ensure discipline in our party and guide against conduct that can bring the party into disrepute

I wish you all a successful tenure in the office"

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