Akogun Lere Oyewumi @ 63: A Dependable Leader, Beacon Of Light And Hope



By: Akogun Media Hub

Happy birthday to our father, mentor, guardian, liberator, seasoned administrator, political bulldozer and an astute politician, Akogun Lere Oyewumi. Not all bosses are leaders, and most leaders are despots, but a good leader like a role model with high degree of humility, value creation, good sense of judgement, intelligence as well as an exceptional leadership quality is rare to find, unlike an illustrious icon in the picture below, whose celebrated achievements will outlive the unremitting time in the dimension of man.

The progress of nations is written by the lifetime challenges and successes of its citizens but with the ink drawn from the inspirational leadership and sacrifices made by only a few leaders. Out of compassion for their people, these leaders work tirelessly and sacrificially to change the circumstance of their nation. Sir, you an inspiration to the multitude. Through your invaluable services to the public, you become a beacon of hope, a ray of light for the common man. Your life is lived compassionately in the service of humanity, lending itself to the pursuit of justice and social good.

Akogun Lere Oyewumi, in you, we have a worthy example and your deeds, old and new, continue to inspire us and offer direction when we are puzzled. We are grateful for the life you have led and we pray that God blesses you with long life, perfect health, and more success. May you not suffer lack in the midst of abundance. Continue enjoying the abundant grace of God. May you always walk unhindered in the grace of God in every area of your life.

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